Otwarcie zapisów: 25.09.2024
Zamknięcie zapisów: 09.02.2025
Lista uczestników Wydarzenie Strona
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Mood Masters 2025. You.
Mood Masters 2025 is the third edition of the climbing competition where amateurs and professionals alike take on the same problems, boulders, and challenges.
Mood Masters is an opportunity for a multi-layered encounter, experience, and feeling of climbing.
Mood Masters is the World Cup of your community.
Mood Masters. Your community. Your emotions. You.
Save the date. "Join" the event. Follow MM 25.
Prizes in the PRO category:
1st place -> 1500 Euros
2nd place -> 750 Euros
3rd place -> 250 Euros
Ceny / Prices in Polish Zloty
- 31.10 -> 99,-
1.11 - 30.11 -> 109,-
1.12 - 5.02 -> 119,-
6.02 - 8.02 -> 139,-
International payments
Numer rachunku IBAN
PL20 1140 2004 0000 3112 1990 4352
Płatności odbywają się poprzez Przelewy24